Every journey looks different

The journey of infant feeding is a beautiful, intimate experience for both parents and their babies. We are here to provide guidance, comprehensive support, and education helping you navigate a new chapter of life with confidence. Midwest Milk & Moms offer private, in-home breastfeeding services as well as virtual consultations for any prenatal, postnatal, or breastfeeding need.

Lactation Services

Prenatal Class

An individualized one on one breastfeeding class in preparation of your baby’s first few days of life. This is specific for your goals, concerns, and lifestyle. This learning experience can be tailored to the type of learning you are; visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner.

Full health history | Breast Exam | Goals and expectations | Post-birth feeding plan | The Golden Hour | Flange fitting & pump guidance | Hand expression | Frequent feeding difficulties the first couple of days | Comforting techniques for your new bundle of joy | Addressing any questions or concerns

60 mins | Free with approved insurance or self pay available + driving fee | Get started

First Visit: Mom & Baby

A private, in home visit to ensure your breastfeeding journey is set up for success from the start.

Review of maternal health history | Baby’s health and birth experience | Breastfeeding journey currently | Establishing clear, specific goals for breastfeeding | Personalized breastfeeding care plan | Latch & positioning help | Physical assessment of other’s breast | Oral & structural anatomy assessment for baby | Pre- & post-weight feed to construct plan moving forward | Hands on assistance during feed/observation of feed depending on mother’s comfort level | Help NICU babies transition to breastfeeding | Communication with providers if needed | Lactation therapy | Emotional support | Two weeks follow up care via text, email, and/or phone call

90 mins | Free with approved insurance or self pay available + driving fee | Get started

Established Patient Follow Up

In-home visit to track maternal and infant progression of breastfeeding journey for established patients.

Weighted feed | Re-evaluate and update care plan | Lactation Therapy | Addressing new concerns and questions | Communication with providers if needed | Two weeks of follow up care via text, email, and/or phone call

60-90 mins | Free with approved insurance or self pay available + driving fee | Get started

Weight & Well Check

Perfect for peace of mind in between pediatrician visits. Conversation focused on health, new issues, or concerns.

30 mins | Free with approved insurance or self pay available + driving fee | Get started

Twins/Multiples Visit

Private in-home visit to ensure your breastfeeding journey with multiples is set up for success. 

Full history of mother and babies | Weighted feed for each infant | Latch and positioning help | Oral assessment of infants | Help NICU babies transition to the breast | Plan of care moving forward | Lactation therapy | Emotional support | Addressing questions and concerns | Communication with providers if necessary | Two weeks of follow up via text, email, and/or phone

120 mins | Free with approved insurance or self pay available + driving fee | Get started

Post Oral Tie Release

Private in-home visit focused on the journey of healing post tie release.

Wound check | Position and latch assistance | Continued education on how to stretch and exercise wounds post-release | Emotional support for TOTS journey | Addressing questions & concerns | Updated plan of care | Communication with providers if needed | Referrals sent if needed

30-60 mins | Free with approved insurance or self pay available + driving fee | Get started

Virtual Lactation Consult

HIPPA compliant, secure video consultations beneficial for mom’s needing to create a personalized care plan to ensure their breastfeeding journey is continuing to succeed.

Returning to work care plan for pumping & milk storage | Help increasing supply if you’re battling low supply issues | Help decreased supply if you’re battling oversupply issues | Clogged ducts/mastitis | Tandem breastfeeding | Etc.

These consults can cover a wide variety of concerns; pumps, flanges, help correcting positioning, problems resulting from fast letdowns, high lipase milk, transitioning to solids along with breastfeeding, transitioning to multiple children while breastfeeding, and counseling for specific issues.

**When booking a virtual visit, please be prepared with a list of questions and concerns as well as presenting in a quiet space with adequate lighting. If neccessary, please send provider reports, pictures, or videos 24 hours in advance when possible to ***email*****

30-60 mins | Free with approved insurance or self pay available | Get started

You don’t have to walk your breastfeeding journey alone